Every year, our KidSeries Student Matinee Program serves over 3,000 students, 35 schools, 120 classrooms, and 185 teachers with school-day performances. Research has proven that access to high-quality professional arts experiences is integral to a child’s education, so we invite them to see the best of the best. Lifeline Theatre’s award-winning adaptations of children’s literature inspire a love of reading that will give flight to your students’ imaginations and stay with them throughout their lives.
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- Dates & Booking
- 2024-2025 Season
- Supplemental Programming: post-show workshops and at-school residencies
Dates & Booking
For our next show (Leaf), the student matinees will run from March 13 to April 17.
Student Matinees are at 10:30am on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during the run of our KidSeries shows. If you are interested in scheduling a Student Matinee for your school or have further questions, please contact our Box Office at info@lifelinetheatre.com!
2024-2025 Season
Click on the link below to learn more about each production:
- Leaf (March/April)
Following every school matinee, our cast engages the student audiences in post-performance Talk Backs. The actors ask and answer questions, encouraging deeper analysis of the play.

Supplemental Programming
Post-Show Workshops: Bring lunches for your students and participate in a hands-on acting class in our rehearsal hall to bring the play you just saw to life! Your students will engage in games and exercises that touch on the themes of the production, and we’ll give teachers tools to take back to the classroom. On-site workshops are a fabulous way to get a fuller experience during your field trip.
60min workshop (12-1pm): $100 per classroom
90min workshop (12-1:30pm): $150 per classroom
At-School Mini-Residencies: Our teaching artists will come to your classroom before and/or after the matinee to deepen your students’ learning with acting exercises and activities. Pre-matinee visits focus on the book that the play is based on and teach the principles of adaptation for the stage. Post-matinee visits focus on the play itself and how the adaptation was produced. We look at characters, plot, and settings of the story. Mini-residencies are a wonderful way to teach theatre basics and enhance students’ reading comprehension.
ONE 60min visit (before OR after): $125 per classroom
TWO 60min visits (1 before, 1 after): $200 per classroom

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I book a student matinee?
A: Simply contact the Box Office at (773) 761-4477 x703 or info@lifelinetheatre.com.
Q: When are your student matinees?
A: Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays at 10:30am during the run of each KidSeries show. See our calendar above.
Q: What is the cost?
A: $10 per person for students (a 40% discount); chaperons and teachers are always FREE!
Q: What is the recommended age for your student matinees?
A: Our KidSeries productions are recommended for grades K-5.
Q: How can I be sure a production is appropriate for my class?
A: Contact our Box Office at info@lifelinetheatre.com or (773) 761-4477 to arrange a complimentary ticket to a regularly scheduled performance before booking your field trip.
Q: How long are your shows?
A: Running times average 55 minutes.
Q: Do you have space for children to eat lunch?
A: We have a lunch room available upon request for $50.