Sneak Peek Duet! (The City & The City and The Mystery of the Pirate Ghost

Because December is crowded (have you noticed how crowded it is?) we scheduled two sneak peek events at exactly the same time.   Sneak peeks are our special events for donors and subscribers where we do a little behind-the-scenes preview of upcoming shows and enjoy some wine and cheese and mingling.

On the December 8th Sneak Peek duet, the KidSeries families went upstairs and saw an excerpt from The Mystery of the Pirate Ghost and then the kids participated in a drama workshop and then came downstairs for snacks.

Simultaneously, The City & The City crowd had snacks and beverages in our lobby and then went into the theater to see some City scenes and movement work.

Thanks to our subscribers Char Uney and Nona Flores for providing delectable edibles for this event.  And thanks to the cast and crew of both shows for their inside-the-process presentations and Q&A sessions.

Dorothy Milne
Artistic Director